
I enjoy reading and go through a reasonable number of books per year, with a mix of fiction, non-fiction and work related stuff.  If I had to pick genres, I’d say I like Science Fiction (standard for technical people), horror (the likes of Stephen King) and some fantasy, although that’s pretty much restricted to Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels.  I do also read some autobiographies and “self development” books, but that isn’t the majority of my reading content.

I always try to encourage our children to read, but that increasingly seems to fall on deaf ears, as their time is split between demands for sport (thankfully) and electronics, such as the Playstation.  For me the ability to get engrossed in a story and believable characters is what reading is all about.

I’ve set up a page to list my recent books, plus a like to buy them on Amazon.  Much of what I read now is on Kindle and in some ways I feel saddened by the demise of physical copy.  However, in reality I rarely go back to a novel again; they sit on the bookshelf for years until the filtering process sends them off to the charity shop for recycling.  So check out the list and feel free to make recommendations!  I’m always looking for new authors and series to get into.